Thursday, April 28, 2016

Exit a Program

name "flags"

org 100h

; this sample shows how cmp instruction sets the flags.

; usually cmp instruction is followed by any relative
; jump instruction such as: je, ja, jl, jae...

; it is recommended to click "flags" and "analyze"
; for better visual expirience before stepping through this code.

; (signed/unsigned)
; 4 is equal to 4
mov ah, 4
mov al, 4
cmp ah, al

; (signed/unsigned)
; 4 is above and greater then 3
mov ah, 4
mov al, 3
cmp ah, al

; -5 = 251 = 0fbh

; (signed)
; 1 is greater then -5
mov ah, 1
mov al, -5
cmp ah, al

; (unsigned)
; 1 is below 251
mov ah, 1
mov al, 251
cmp ah, al

; (signed)
; -3 is less then -2
mov ah, -3
mov al, -2
cmp ah, al

; (signed)
; -2 is greater then -3
mov ah, -2
mov al, -3
cmp ah, al

; (unsigned)
; 255 is above 1
mov ah, 255
mov al, 1
cmp ah, al

; now a little game:
game:  mov dx, offset msg1
       mov ah, 9
       int 21h

       ; read character in al:
       mov ah, 1
       int 21h

       cmp al, '0'
       jb stop

       cmp al, '9'
       ja stop

       cmp al, '5'
       jb below
       ja above
       mov dx, offset equal_5
       jmp print
below: mov dx, offset below_5    
       jmp print
above: mov dx, offset above_5
print: mov ah, 9
       int 21h
       jmp game  ; loop.

stop: ret  ; stop

msg1 db "enter a number or any other character to exit:  $"
equal_5 db " is five! (equal)", 0Dh,0Ah, "$"
below_5 db " is below five!" , 0Dh,0Ah, "$"
above_5 db " is above five!" , 0Dh,0Ah, "$"

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